Visakhapatnam, 15 December 2022: Swachhta Pakhwada is an initiative envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister for making Swachhta “everyone’s business”. Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) observed Swachhta Pakhwada from 01.12.2022 to 15.12.2022. Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL), the premiere naval research laboratory of DRDO in Visakhapatnam, implemented an action plan to ensure greater participation and more effective outcome of the Pakhwada fortnight.
The followings are the events and activities conducted during this Pakhwada.
Swachhta pledge was taken by all employees on 01st Dec 2022.
The cleanliness drive was organized at various locations of residential and technical area in NSTL from 01st Dec to 15th Dec 2022. More than 150 participants have voluntarily joined for contributing in cleanliness drive keeping in view all the precaution measures such as social distancing, wearing mask, hand gloves etc.
As a part of “Go Green Drive Day”, more than 450 saplings were planted at different locations of NSTL Technical and Residential area.
A quiz, Drawing/painting, Slogan writing competition on “Swachhta” was organized on 12th Dec 2022; total 46 employees participated in this event. Prizes were distributed to participants.
Mechanical waste, IT Waste, E-Waste and Plastic waste was collected from residential and technical area government revenue is generated.
Near Ramanath School & Type-2 & Type-3 residential quarter Area development, beautification and plantation was carried out. MES Dumping yard & Sever dengue prone in residential area was completely cleaned and saplings were planted.
Approximately more than thousand old records were reviewed and weeded out at Technical area.
Awareness campaign on Swachhta was organized in School and Residential area.
NSTL team visited (Manasu : Girls care Center ) and Swadhar Greh (Shelter for woman during difficult circumstances) and distributed Cleaning materials.
Approximately, an amount of Rs.45 Lakhs was earned through the auction of wastage disposed in this fortnight. The Swachhta Pakhwada concluded with the distribution of prizes to the winners of various competitions. Sri PVS Ganesh Kumar, Outstanding Scientist & Officiating Director NSTL gave away the prizes. Jute bags were distributed to employees to encourage not using plastic carry bags. Dr. BVSS Krishna Kumar and other senior Scientists, Officers and staff participated in the valedictory programme.