SRINAGAR, JULY 29, 2020: Several deputations hailing from different areas of Kashmir today called on Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan here and apprised him about various demands and issues.
A deputation of supervisors from Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) put forth the demand of finalization of seniority lists, conducting of DPCs and other service related matters.
Similarly, another deputation of Anganwadi workers of ICDS demanded the release of their months’ long pending salaries, regularization and other issues.
A deputation of Rehbar-e-Janglat also called on Advisor Khan and apprised him about the issue of their regularization and other service related matters.
Likewise, a deputation of Rehbar-e-Khel met the Advisor and put forth their demands including the future prospects of their services and other service related issues.
Similarly, several other deputations hailing from different areas of Kashmir apprised the Advisor about various issues pertaining to potable water, drainage, roads, sanitation, electricity and other developmental issues in their respective areas.
Advisor Khan gave patient hearing to all the visiting deputations and assured them that all their genuine issues would be taken up at the appropriate level for speedy redressal.
Meanwhile, Advisor Khan also sanctioned a financial assistance worth Rs one crore in favour of construction workers and dependents under Death-cum-Funeral Assistance and Chronic Diseases Financial Assistance Scheme.
Under the Death-cum-Funeral Assistance Scheme, Advisor Khan gave approval to 55 cases including 40 death cases and 15 for chronic diseases and injury cases.