New Delhi, 3rd November, 2023: National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a Supplementary Charge Sheet against three accused individuals: Abdul Razzak (A-15), Mohamed Yusuf (A-16), and Kyzer A (A-18) in the Tamil Nadu PFI Case (RC-42/2022/NIA/DLI).
This case pertains to the unlawful activities of the Popular Front of India (PFI) and the activities of the leaders, members and cadres of the PFI, an ‘unlawful association’ that has been actively espousing and disseminating extremist ideology throughout Tamil Nadu. Their operations are conducted through their State Headquarters located in Purasawakkam, Chennai, as well as through various district offices across Tamil Nadu, facilitated by their network of frontal organisations. Further, they have been promoting hatred and ill will between members of different religious groups and carrying out activities prejudicial to the maintenance of communal harmony.
During investigations, searches were conducted at the residences of accused persons Abdul Razzak (A-15), Mohammed Yusuf (A-16), Kyzer A (A-18), and they were arrested and produced before the NIA Special Court Chennai on 09.05.2023.
Investigations revealed that the suspects have been actively promoting the extremist ideology of the Popular Front of India (PFI) by organising weapons training camps for PFI cadres. The cadres were recruited for identifying and categorising targets who are against PFI’s ideologies to attack, assault, maim and murder. Evidence has been collected to establish that these accused persons had conspired and recruited new cadres in a self-styled PFI Army that was raised to overthrow the government of India through violent means.
NIA had earlier filed a Charge-sheet against 10 accused persons on 17.03.2023 and further investigations in the case are in progress.