SRINAGAR, JULY 26, 2020: Director Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today conducted an extensive tour of Pattan Baramulla, Chogul and Chandigan Kupwara besides Budgam, to take stock of all developmental programmes being undertaken in the field.
The Director, during his day long tour paid a visit to fruit plant nursery Pattan to take stock of various activities undertaken in the nursery besides getting the knowhow of the detail of transplantation of Apple clonal rootstock for propagation.
He issued on spot instructions for conducting the time bound operations and proper maintenance of the nursery while following the guidelines and SOP related to COVID-19-Pendemic.
Later on the Director visited base station Chogul Kupwara to review progress made in various developmental activities in the nursery particularly convergence of 4 hectare area under high density plantation.
He also undertook stock of activities in relation to growing of fruit plants under controlled conditions in high tech greenhouses and directed the staff for better utilization of facilities and resources.
During the inspection of walnut nursery Chandigam Lolab, the Director was apprised about various developmental activities that are in progress to ensure that the nursery area is developed for production of high quality walnut plants for further distribution to the farmers in line with feasibility of the area.
During his tour to Budgam the preceding day, the Director visited various high density orchards and passed directions to officers to guide and aware fruit growers about the latest techniques of fruit cultivation.
He instructed them to cover more orchardists under a high density plantation programme, so as to ensure doubling their income by way of making all efforts in the field of Horticulture.
He also inspected various fruit plants nurseries and laid emphasis on propagation of quality planting material and introduction of new high yielding varieties of different cultivars.