Jharkhand, February 17, 2021: The story of Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor’s film ‘Gharwali-Baharwali’, occurred in real life in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand.
As per an agreement, the man was asked to stay with his wife for three days a week, and with his girlfriend for another three days. The young man was allowed to spend one day a week on his own. This arrangement, however, did not last very long.
According to the information, a previously-married man deceived a girl in a love trap and got married to her. The matter reached the police. When the police heard of the case, they divided the man’s time between his two wives.
The police had divided the man’s time between the two women but the arrangement could not go on for a long time and soon, the matter reached the court.
Now, the court has issued a warrant against the man. Both his wives are now trying to save him.
Rajesh Mahato, who lives in the Coker Tiril Road area in Ranchi, was detained by the police on January 15. The police decided that he would have to spend equal time with both his wives. Everything changed as soon as the matter reached the court.
Rajesh Mahato’s second wife had filed a case of sexual abuse against him by pretending to be married. The court issued an arrest warrant against the accused. The police were then on the lookout for him for arrest. Police stated that Mahato left his first wife and child and went to live with his girlfriend. His wife had lodged a complaint against him in the police station in this regard.
On the other hand, his girlfriend’s family had also filed the case of their daughter’s kidnapping against the accused.
The accused could not stay away from the police for a long time and was eventually found. However, he had married his girlfriend by then.
When police took him to the police station, a quarrel ensued between his two wives. Seeing the seriousness of the case, the police got the two women to settle down and in writing divided the husband’s time between them. The police also gave a copy of the agreement to both wives.