Pune, 24 July 2021: Dr. Rajeev S Chavan, IDAS, ndc, PCDA (O) Pune who had since taken over as PCDA (O) Pune w.e.f dated 17.05.2021 paid a courtesy visit to AFMC Pune and met Lt. Gen. Nardeep Naithani, PVSM Director & Commandant in his office. After brief exchange of pleasantries strictly observing the COVID-19 appropriate behaviour a formal structured meeting between the two officers began. General Nardeep Naithani PVSM, Director and Commandant welcomed Dr. Rajeev S Chavan to the Pune Station and it was reciprocated in the same vein gusto and spirit by the visiting Officer.
- Deliberations discussion between both these officers was centred and revolved around the lively onset of third wave of COVID-19 Pandemic. Dr. Rajeev S Chavan expressed his sincere gratitude to the General for providing with the best medical and health services in such difficult trying and testing times of COVID 19 pandemic. Thus he congratulated all the 1st line Health Workers/Saviour (including Paramedics) for coming and rescuing society from the Medical scourge of this century which is showing its ugly effect and impact in the city of Pune. Commandant told that five of his attending Senior Doctors are now having COVID-19 despite having received both Doses of vaccine and warned about the highly infective nature of Delta Strain of COVID 19 virus. Dr. Chavan also highlighted & expressed his gratefulness to General J. S. Nain, AVSM, SM GOC-in-C Southern Command for helping the drive to vaccinate his all Officers and Staff along with families of the Office of PCDA (O) Pune which has given a new lease of life and imbibe confidence to the morale of his 500 Officers/Staff serving the Indian Army involved in finalizing their Pay and Allowances as a essential service in such a difficult period and time.
- The Director and Commandant AFMC Pune also informed that AFMC Pune as an institute is conducting a specialised Course with representing Doctors including Civil Doctors also so as to brush up their knowledge imbibe professionalism, hone up their soft skills and enrich/ enhance their gray matter to keep abstract with later medical knowhow and knowledge to fight against the COVID-19 surge and liberate the society from its ills. The issue related to regulation of Training Allowance to the Army Officers and exercising of options for fixation of pay etc. PCDA (O) Pune in response apprised that issue regarding Training Allowance is already under active consideration and an Option Calculator has been devised and uploaded on official website of the Office to facilitate and simplify the complex matters of pay fixation.
5. The meeting ended with exchange of warm regards.