New Delhi, 26th May 2022: Along with the increase in the class of students in the country, their learning ability is declining. The learning ability of the students in the third grade declines considerably by the time they reach the tenth grade. This has come to the fore in the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021 released by the Union Ministry of Education.
The data was released by the Ministry on the evening of Wednesday, May 25, 2022, in which about 34 lakh students from 1.18 lakh schools located in rural and urban areas of 720 districts across the country participated.
Based on questions prepared by NCERT in 22 languages and conducted by CBSE on the same day on 12 November 2021 and the same time survey NAS 2021 was assessed on a scale of 500 at the national level in classes III, V, VIII and X.
According to the survey, at the national level, the score of students in Mathematics in Class III was 306, which decreased to 284 in Class 5, 255 in Class 8 and 220 in Class 10. Similarly, the class 3 performance in the language was 323, which dropped to 260 in class 10. The performance of class 3 and class 5 students in the schools in the capital Delhi is better but this is also much lower than the national average.
In the National Achievement Survey 2021, 38 per cent students admitted that it was very difficult to study during the pandemic. Of the 34 lakh students who took part in the survey, 24 per cent believed that they had no digital means to continue their studies during the pandemic. Of these, 80 percent of the students admitted that they are able to develop better understanding during offline classes and in this with the help of their own classmates.
Regarding the release of NAS 2021, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said in his message that the National Achievement Survey assesses the current status of the education system in the country at the national, state and district levels. The Education Minister said that the facts revealed by the survey reflect the achievements of the students in teaching and learning.