Hubli, 31st August 2022: In a late-night hearing on Tuesday, the Karnataka High Court upheld the Dharwad Municipal Commissioner’s order allowing Ganesh Chaturthi festival to be held at the city’s Idgah ground.
The High Court order allowing Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations at Hubli Idgah ground in Karnataka has been challenged in the Supreme Court. In the latest development, Anjuman Islam has approached the Supreme Court questioning the orders of the Karnataka High Court allowing the festival at Idgah ground in Hubli. Significantly, in a late night hearing on Tuesday, the Karnataka High Court upheld the order of the Dharwad Municipal Commissioner, which had allowed the Ganesh Chaturthi festival to be held at the city’s Idgah ground.
A day after the permission was granted, Hindu leaders also installed a Ganesh idol at the Idgah ground in Hubli on Wednesday morning. Hours after getting permission from the court, Ganeshotsav began on Wednesday amid tight security at the Idgah ground. Sri Ram Sena chief Pramod Muthalik along with his supporters installed the idol of Lord Ganesha and offered prayers amidst Vedic chants.
Mutalik told reporters at the puja pandal, “We offered prayers following the legal guidelines. Some anti-social elements tried to stop us, but still we performed the puja which is a matter of happiness not only for the people of Hubli but for the whole of North Karnataka to which he described as a “historic” moment.’’
According to Mutalik, the district administration has given permission to worship here for three days. Elaborate security arrangements have been made at the Idgah ground to avoid any untoward incident.