New Delhi/NCR, 28th April 2022: The family of a 45-year-old male, who was declared brain dead at HCMCT Manipal Hospital (Dwarka) on Saturday, took the brave decision of donating his kidneys and corneas on Saturday 23rd April. The kidneys were allocated by National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) and transplanted into a 59-years lady at HCMCT Manipal Hospital Dwarka and a 51-years male at another private hospital. Both the corneas were also retrieved by the eye bank.
Dr. Shrikanth Srinivasan, HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka said, “The patient was brought to the hospital on the 22nd of April 2022. At presentation he was unconscious. On further evaluation, it was determined that he had suffered from a massive intracranial bleed. Even after sustained efforts by the team of doctors, his condition continued to deteriorate, and he was declared brain dead on Saturday.”
Dr. (Colonel) Avnish Seth VSM, Head, Manipal Organ Sharing & Transplant (MOST), HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka said, ‘The team worked closely with the patient’s family, providing them with the required information and support so that they could make an informed decision. Once the family consented to donation, the kidneys were retrieved and transplanted successfully. The family saved the lives of two patients in critical condition and gave the gift of sight to another two. “
Mr. Raman Bhaskar, Director, HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka said, “We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the donor’s family for their decision to support the noble cause of organ donation. With a slow but steady increase in the cause of organ donation across the country, there is hope for many lives to be saved with available donor organs. We are also grateful for the support we receive from NOTTO, which plays a pivotal role in making organ donation a reality.”
There is a wide gap between patients who need transplants and the organs that are available in India. 1.8 lakh people suffer from renal failure every year, however only 10,000 renal transplants are done. An estimated 25,000 to 30,000 liver transplants are needed annually in India but only about thousand five hundred are performed. Similarly, of several thousand who suffer from heart failure, only 200 get a heart transplant. In the case of Corneas, about 25,000 transplants are done every year against a requirement of 1 lakh.