Pune, 27th May 2021: In the state of Punjab 3 2 out of 158 confirmed cases of mucormycosis had never developed Covid symptoms. Doctors said any person who has taken excessive steroids for treatment of another disease is prone to Mucormycosis.
Speaking about this, the state’s nodal officer Dr Gagandeep Singh said, “Not necessarily only Covid-19 hit patients are prone to this disease. Any person who has taken excessive steroids for treatment of another disease can attract this disease, because of low immunity level. Our experts are analysing every case individually.”
He also said that it is not a viral disease and do not spread with the touch and is curable if treated timely.
Mucormycosis is dangerous if left untreated can cause mutilating damage to the face, nose, eyes with disfigurement and loss of vision and also cause invasive brain infection.
The diseases are commonly found in people with low immunity. While getting treatment for Covid-19, due to excessive use of steroids the immunity level drops among the patients especially those who have another disease like diabetes, said the experts.